Flexite!Exam consists of different modules which manage all the different tasks for making, arranging and correcting a digital test. You log in with a password and username you have been given from enovate.no/adapt-it. Be aware the system distinguishes between large and small letters in both the username and the password.
You find the different modules by clicking on your name. You change module by selecting the one you want to use.
Flexite!Plan is used by your school. Candidates and tests are made here. In addition, you can create rooms for the tests, other admin users and you can get different reports.
This is the author module. You make the different tasks and put them together to create tests. You can also set the presentation format and you can make grade categories and tags.
In Flexite!Subject you work with the tests on a more executive level. You can make assessment periods and assessment templates, and you can add a demo user to go through the test the way a candidate will see it.