This is meant as a survey for which order it is reasonable to do things from A to Z. The descriptions of the different steps are in their own articles. You must move between the different modules to do everything.
1. Tagging (Write/Settings)
To keep track of which tests and themes the different items are about, it´s adequate to tag the papers. You can read about how to create tags under Settings in Write.
2. Item writing (Write/OPPGAVEBANK)
Create the items you want to have in the test. There are many different item formats to choose between. Here you can find the recipe for making a multiple choice item.
3. Putting together an item set (Write/Test)
Now you have to put together all the items in an item set.
After these three steps, you have to move to Subject.
4. Creating a template (Subject/Templates)
Item set is put into a template. Read this article about the different templates and choose the one suited for your needs. Create the template.
5. Add an item set to the template (Subject/Templates)
It is described how to add item sets to the different templates. Here you can read about how to add an item set to a random template.
6. Create demo user (Subject/Templates)
Create a demo user to go through the test as a candidate.
7. Optional (Subject/Subject and Test period)
The test is now ready for planning in Flexite!Plan, but you can choose to time limit when the test is available. Then you have to Create subject, Create a topic, Add templates and Create test period. Contact support if you want more information about this.